3-9, Olu Koleosho Street, Off Medical Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
info@crtsystems.tech 07045433245

Our Security Portfolio

We offer range of IT services that meets your business need

At CRT we build, secure and manage effective IT systems.

File integrity monitoring (FIM) refers to an IT security process and technology that tests and checks operating system (OS), database, and application software files to determine whether or not they have been tampered with or corrupted.

Automates compliance management with continuous risk management and monitoring.

Provides real-time and actionable insights from logs to handle security risks.

Tracks file and directory access

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At CRT we build, secure and manage effective IT systems.

CRT Systems provides risk consulting services with a framework for risk analysis and measurement, risk reporting and risk data management to help companies design, implement and improve their infrastructure (processes, data and technology) related to specific risks (e.g. strategy and planning, operations /infrastructure, compliance and reporting) affecting the organization.

trust is the ultimate business enabler.

Credit and market risk modeling and valuation


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At CRT we build, secure and manage effective IT systems.

Identity and access management (IAM) ensures that the right people and job roles in your organization (identities) can access the tools they need to do their jobs. Identity management and access systems enable your organization to manage employee apps without logging into each app as an administrator.

Lifecycle and governance; federation,

single sign-on and multi-factor authentication

privileged account management; and key encryption.

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At CRT we build, secure and manage effective IT systems.

Application performance monitoring involves observing the behavior of apps, alerting and collecting data on the sources of any issues, analyzing data to assess the impact on business, and adapting the application to address similar problems before they impact the end user experience.

End-user experience monitoring

Application topology discovery and visualization

User-defined transaction profiling

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